Sunday, May 22, 2011

Whirlwind Romance

I met you just yesterday...
In an unexpected time and place
As you walk past through me
Carrying a bunch of things like your bag, 
pillow and blanket sheet.

Saying "hi" seems too awkward
But I'm not so sure why I came to approach you first 
I just asked you a simple question and said " Moving out?"
For which came so naturally as I didn't expect any reply in return
But there you stopped and peeked to whom the voice you've heard.

We exchanged our hello's and  contact details
And after that, everything went so fast
Way too fast that even I didn't notice.
I can't imagine how fascinating we ended up meeting again...
And for the second time, It felt so weird that my heart began thumpin'
It was then that I realized... I was beginning to like you.

I don't know what would happen in the future
All I know is I'm happy when I'm with you
It's enough for me to see your face each day
And hold on to your words saying that you love me... come what may.

Sunday  May 22, 2011  //   9 AM

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